Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Could Reg & I Be Any More Different?

The question of when Sloan would start solid foods has been one of great debate over the last 3 or 4 weeks.  Jodi's kids started at 4 months, Reg's earlier, and yet the conventional wisdom of the day is to wait until he's 6 months old.  I'm a rule follower, my advisers not so much.

But even my rule following mind could see that he's a big boy, bigger than some of my friend's babies were at a year.  And as I checked around, most babies were actually sneaking solids by four months (or rather their Moms were).   I have read ten books on starting babies on solids (by now this shouldn't surprise you), I requested EVERY book on this subject from the Airdrie Public Library, and as they have trickled in, I've devoured them.  And by the way, they all say the exact same thing, apparently this isn't like sleep, there is only one theory on solids.

I wanted to do a good job on starting foods, as I am determined he not have my eating habits.  So I proceeded to make my solid foods preparations and check list.  I plan to make his all his food, so we have ice cube trays for freezing, several kitchen gadgets, and one appliance, my favorite 5 books have been purchased (who knows why 5, but yes 5), we have new spoons, bowls, plates,  recipes have been earmarked, fresh garden peas blanched and frozen, and a few boxes of rice cereal;  in short everything we need to feed Sloan for the next 5 years.  I was ready, but was Sloan?  He had to pass a certain number of "tests" before we could give him solids:  Double his birth weight - close enough, at least 4 months old - check, hungry after feeding - sometimes, watching me eat with curiousity - check, grabbing for food off my plate - nope, not ever, so we were waiting it out.

Yesterday, on a whim, when I felt like he was still hungry after drinking his milk, I thought we'd try out some cereal.  I got out one of our new bowls, carefully measured out one teaspoon of cereal, added some milk, and half prayed he wouldn't eat it....at least then I had tried and he had refused and we could wait until 6 months, like the books said.  And guess what?  He didn't like it one little bit.  I tried it on my finger, on a spoon, and mostly it just got all over his face, and he shook his head and made bad faces, and we were done!! I could tell everyone I had tried, but my baby just wasn't ready yet.  Look how miserable he was while eating the cereal, poor little guy.

Enter Reg.  Last night I was telling Reg I had attempted the rice cereal, but it was a no go.  Because Reg is always totally tuned into what I am saying, Reg replied that I must have bought him a whole whack of bananas. You see, the custom in our house is bananas go bad on the counter (or my version of bad), and then Reg eats them.  I replied, "No actually those bananas were intended for Sloan".  I was going to give him bananas as his first meal, and since they were on sale at Safeway last week I stocked up (I know, I know).  Anyway, he wasn't ready so they were destined to be banana bread or for Reg.  I watched (with amusement) as Reg walked over to Sloan in the high chair, and offered him a "bite" of banana, I was a little less amused when Sloan took it.  Then I watched (in horror), as Reg, took a regular dinner plate out of the cupboard, ripped off a piece of banana, grabbed a fork (one of ours) and mashed up a banana.  He then grabbed the baby spoon and starting feeding Sloan.  Seriously?  After all that preparation and hard work this is what it came down too:

I guess that's why every baby gets two parents, to help balance things out.  And apparently I need balancing out...now there's a shocker.

On a side note, I also finally put Sloan in one of his two Kijiji purchased Excersaucers yesterday. I had been holding out on that, because I didn't want that big head to tip him over in it, and by the way I'm totally not overprotective.   Here is his first little bit, I think he might like it. 

And just because I can...Sloan has moved out of the tummy tub. Since he can't sit up on his own, its been a real challenge to find a good way to bath him. The big tub takes a long time, and requires a parent.  The sink is good, but slippery and he keeps sliding right down in it, and even with a bath mat it was hazardous.  So thanks to Kijiji, we have a new bath chair, how cute is this?

I know, seriously cute.




  1. OMGosh! Julie! You are totally hilarious! As tot e First foods thing... I was a stickler to the rules with Mike (who is now 15) and more leanient with Gabe (who is 5) I totally agree with the Mommy/daddy balance! Just find the medium ( there often isn't a "happy" medium, and enjoy your baby's "new" adventures, even if ahead of schedule... wouldn't that classify him as "advanced?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Funny! And so cute! Baaannnaana! Love it! Not sure about Sloan though :)

    You should talk in the video's too! The one of him in the saucer where nobody is talking is so plain after reading all of your stories :)

    And yes, that is the same bath tub ring I had!

  4. Justice loved your banana video....she says Sloan so cute and when Reg was feeding him she was opening her mouth like we do to show the babies how!! Too cute!! I wouldn't have thought bananas to start but this isn't Reg's first rodeo!! :) But sometimes it does take up to 10 or 12 times for you to allow him to try before he'll like it. According to books that is!! :)

    I had that bathtub ring too....life saver for sure until they get more stronger and you feel more comfortable without.

    Keep the updates coming....I'm really enjoying seeing your posts!
